With the cost of commodities, including foods, gradually getting above the means of the common man, Nigerians have continued to lament how difficult it is to survive amid the hardship occasioned by the economy.
Here are, however, five affordable foods that can help Nigerians sustain themselves during the hardship:
Foods to consider amid hardship
A common food that can be included in various culinary meals, served with soups, or simply consumed as it is. It is currently one of the most economical meal items to help you get through the hardship.
With just N400, you can purchase two noodles and have them quickly cooked to get through some hours in the day, and stave off hunger.
For as little as N500, you can buy a loaf of bread and pair it with butter or stew.
For N1,000 – 1200, you can buy a tuber of yam and eat it twice or three times, depending on how much food you consume.
Amid the hardship, this appears to be a very affordable food option for those who want to cook soup and serve it alongside other solid foods or rice.
We’ll open reserves to address food costs — FG
Meanwhile, the Federal Government has assured Nigerians that food items would be released from the National Food Reserves as part of the measures to crash food prices.
The Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, said this after the meeting of the Special Presidential Committee in Emergency Food Intervention which was at the instance of President Bola Tinubu.
According to Idris, major millers and commodity traders would be engaged by the government in order to make the food items readily available.
“What I will tell Nigerians is that the President has directed that government needs to step in to stem this tide. Government will not fold its arms and see the way Nigerians are suffering in terms of the availability of these food items.
“Now, some of these will involve unlocking the foods that are available in most of the storage facilities (National Food Reserve) around the country. You know that the Federal Ministry of Agriculture has some food reserves. They are going to be made available to Nigerians.
“The government is also talking to major millers and major commodity traders, to also see what is available in their stores. To open it up, so the government will provide some intervention, discuss with them and provide some intervention to make this food available to Nigerians.”
Source: Vanguard